Pungrow Soma Cube – Pungrow Educational & Creative Block Toys


Pungrow Soma Cube

$ 40.46

The price is an MSRP; tax and shipping fees are not included. Actual price may vary from store to store.

This toy set contains 150 pieces of components and a game & creation book which showcases 20 aircraft-themed figures and includes a 3D puzzle game with 5 modes for a varying number of players to build a cube or cuboid using game modules required by the conditions.





Showcased Figures


To Adults


Pieces Count


Core Pieces

Skills To Learn

Creativity & Imagination Skills

Concentration & Observation Skills

Communication Skills

Logical & Reasoning Skills

Graphic Perception

Spatial Ability




This toy is recommended for children to play with the company & guidance of a parent/teacher.


(5 Modes)

This is a 3D puzzle game including 5 modes for a different number of players with the object to build a cube or cuboid using game modules required by the conditions.

Mode 1 (For 1-4 Players)

1. Display one card and pick out the game modules according to the card.
2. Use the game modules indicated by the card to build the shape.

Mode 2 (For 1-4 Players)

1. Roll the 2 dice at the same time, then take out the 2 game modules with the same color as the dice, put them aside, and leave the game modules out of this round of the game.
2. Use the remaining 7 game modules
to build a 3x3x3 cube.

Mode 3 (For 1-2 Players)

1. Roll the color dice, then take out the
game module with the same color as the
dice, put it aside, and leave the game
module out of this round of the game.
2. Use the remaining 17 game blocks
and build a 4x4x4 cube.

Mode 4 (For 1 Player)

1. Roll the color dice, then take out the 4
game modules with the same color as the dice, put them aside and leave the game modules out of this round of the game.
2. Use the remaining 32 game modules to build a 4x5x6 cuboid.

Mode 5 (For 1 Player)

1. Roll the black & white dice once, and roll the color dice twice, then take out the game modules with the same color as the dice, put them aside, and leave the game modules out of this round of the game.
2. Use the remaining 33 game modules to build a 5x5x5 cube.


(20 Showcased Figures)

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